Dhikr Set - 10 stuks
Bestel vóór 14:00 uur = Vandaag verzonden
- Beschrijving
Met de Sticky Dhikr Set hebben we 10 essentiële adhkars samengebracht in één voordelig pakket. Deze transparante dhikr-kaarten zijn ontworpen om u te helpen Allah consequent te herinneren en te verheerlijken gedurende de dag. Beschikbaar in 4 talen.
Vermeld in de Koran
“Zulke mensen zijn degenen die geloven (in de boodschap van de Profeet) en wiens harten rust vinden in de herinnering aan Allah. Zeker, in de herinnering van Allah vinden harten rust.”
[ Soera Ar-Ra'd - Ayah 28]
Afmetingen: 10cm x 20cm
I stumbled upon this brilliant “sticky me” page on insta and instantly got hooked to all these Dua’a. A perfect way to remind myself and others. I bought a range of different Dua’a including two stickers with 25 names of our beloved prophets, Aytul Kursi, making wudu steps, Dua’a for Palestine and Dua’a for the oppressed. These are so incredibly cool, you can stick them up and easily remove them from your walls without any issues, I bought them all for our beautiful new mosque North Shore Islamic Association in New Zealand 🇳🇿(sticked them all up in NSIA masjid 🤲🏼) and now insha’Allah the team behind Sticky me earns the hasanat for this amazing innovative creativity. What are you waiting for - add to cart and check out! You would love all of these Dua’a adding a perfect touch to your home decor and brings in Barakah. Great for kids to learn and recite the Dua’a 🤲🏼🙂
They are very aesthetic and sticking good. I love them! Thanks for the free Palestine dua! I will stick that one in our local mosque. I’m already looking to the other sticker-dua’s.
De stickers zijn een echte eyecatcher in huis en zijn heel makkelijk te bevestigen. Erg blij mee! 🤗
Very premium quality & great service. Love it!